Wednesday, May 13, 2009

breastfeeding is selfish

I am tired of hearing that moms who choose to formula feed are selfish.  Although there are many moms out there who will argue that, that's not what this journal is about.  Let's look at moms who breastfeed for a minute. 

They lay in bed for an extra 20 minutes in the morning, just because the baby is having breakfast.
They can go get a manicure with that 25 bucks they're not spending on formula.
When they get home from a $200 trip to the grocery store and everyone is exhausted, nerves are frazzled and the baby's screaming, they are always the ones who get to sit down, kick off their shoes and nurse while dad unloads the car, puts food away and starts dinner.

If the baby is nursing during dinner, they can get their food cut for them, and some even have their husband feed them!

They have an excuse to go buy cute bras and tops, just so they can get their boobs out easier.

They justify eating and snacking all day just because they're feeding two.  (I thought that was something only pregnant women were allowed to do.)

Breastfeeding moms are so selfish, they even get health advantages.  According to webMD, women who breastfeed:
  1. lose baby weight faster and easier than if they didn't breastfeed.
  2. have reduced risk of severe postpartum hemorrhage because it help the uterus return to  its pre-baby state (which is slimming, also).
  3. have reduced risk of breast, uterine and ovarian cancers.
  4. get natural hormonal stress relief from the release of oxytocin
This whole list could go on and on.  I mean, yeah, there are benefits for the baby too, but, honestly! Some of this stuff just makes women who breastfeed sound selfish and downright lazy.

But, wait.  I chose to breastfeed, so I guess I'm selfish too.  :]

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