Tuesday, March 18, 2008

one of those days

Today is one of those days that makes me love being a mom. It is one of those days that erases the past week of grumpy teething, food flinging, tantrum throwing, and stress in general. The great thing about today is that it is nothing out of the ordinary. I got up, made breakfast for the family, got ready and went to work. I picked up a smiling child from the daycare where I work and was greeted with a huge hug. We went home where we proceeded to have a nice lunch that didn’t end up on the floor or in the dog’s mouth. Read a book, and he went down for a nap with no protest. While sitting at the kitchen table, I realized that this moment, though fleeting in the grand scheme, will always be in my heart even if it escapes my memory. These days too soon pass and will no doubt lead to many more, but right now, in the moment, I am as happy and as content as I could ever wish to be.